Academic Program

Program Goals

The program aims to allow outstanding doctoral students studying at the University of Haifa to be enrolled, at the same time, in the international program. Acceptance into the program and participation in the program will provide the student with a variety of benefits: students will become acquainted and make contacts with foreign students in the European community and have access to academic cooperation with professors and researchers in the international community. The students’ doctoral research will also receive exposure in the European community and finally the student will receive a European doctoral degree in addition to the Israeli degree.


In the month of May 2009, the University of Haifa signed an agreement promoting academic cooperation between our University and a European doctoral program – namely – The European PhD in Socio-economic and Statistical Studies. The University of Haifa became a full partner in the program allowing doctoral students with an authorized research proposal (research students stage 2) in relevant fields in the University of Haifa to submit their candidacy for acceptance in both the University of Haifa and the European program. If accepted to the European program, the student will be required to spend at least one semester in one of the European Universities affiliated with the program, in the department most relevant to their field of expertise. During this semester, the student will be expected to receive guidance from instructors/scholars at the host department, to actively participate in doctoral seminars and to present their research and if necessary to participate in other frameworks such as research seminars, etc.

In addition, the student will be expected to spend 4-6 weeks in one of the affiliated universities, to present their research and cooperate with other scholars and students in the program. During their studies, the students will be expected to actively participate in the international research forum which takes place once a year in September at one of the affiliated universities.

During this seminar, in which other students enrolled in the program and faculty participate, the student will be asked to present their research and to report on their progress.

Students who have met all the requisite academic requirements to be awarded their degree as Doctor of Philosophy in their home university (University of Haifa in the case of the Israeli student) and in parallel have met all the requirements in the European program will be eligible to receive a doctorate degree of Doctor Europpeus recognized by the Union of European Universities and European Union.

List of Countries and Affiliated Universities